IELTS Writing Part 1 - Types of Academic Writing Tasks

There are two Writing tasks and BOTH must be completed.

1. Academic Writing – Task 1

What's involved?
In Academic Writing Task 1, you may be asked to describe: one or more graphs, charts or tables a diagram of an object, device, process or event. You have to include the most important points in the diagram. Some minor points or details may be left out.
You should write in an academic or semi-formal/neutral style. You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task. You must write at least 150 words and will be penalized if your answer is too short. While you will not be penalized for writing more than 150 words, you should remember that a longer Task 1 answer may mean that you have less time to spend on Task 2, which contributes twice as much to your Writing band score.
You should remember that you will be penalized if what you write does not relate to the topic. You will also be penalized if your answer is not written as a whole piece of connected text (i.e. you must not use notes or bullet points). You will be severely penalized if your writing is plagiarized (i.e. copied from another source).

What skills are tested?
This task tests if you can give a well-organised overview of the visual information using language that is appropriate in its register and style.
Depending on the task type, you will be assessed on your ability to: organize, present and possibly compare data describe stages of a process or procedure describe an object, event or sequence of events explain how something works.

How much do I have to write?
A minimum of 150 words.

2. Academic Writing – Task 2

What's involved?
In Academic Writing Task 2, you are given a topic to write about. Your answer should discuss the most relevant issues. You must read the task carefully so that you can write a full answer that is relevant. For example, if the topic is a particular aspect of the wider topic of computers, you should focus on this aspect only in your answer. You should not simply write about computers in general. 
You should write in an academic or semi-formal/neutral style. You will need to organize your ideas clearly and make sure you use relevant examples (which can be from your own experience, if relevant) or evidence. 
You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. You must write at least 250 words and will be penalized if your answer is too short. While you will not be penalized for writing more than 250 words, if you write a very long answer you may not have time for checking and correcting at the end, and some ideas may not be directly relevant to the question. You may also produce handwriting which is unclear. 
You should remember that you will be penalized if what you write is not related to the topic. You will also be penalized if your answer is not written as a whole piece of connected text (i.e. you must not use notes or bullet points). You will be severely penalized if your writing is plagiarized (i.e. copied from another source).

What skills are tested?
This task tests if you can write a clear, relevant, well-organised argument, giving evidence or examples to support your ideas, and use language accurately. 
Depending on the task type, you will be assessed on your ability to:
  • present a solution to a problem
  • present and justify an opinion
  • compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications
  • evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument.

How much do I have to write?
You must write a minimum of 250 words.
