IELTS Reading Part 4 - Tips and Tricks (2)

A look at more of the question types from the Reading test.

This type of question tests your scanning ability – looking at the text quickly to find a particular piece of information. You’ll be given a list of pieces of information and the paragraphs of the text will have letters but not every paragraph will necessarily be used. Read the pieces of information first then scan the paragraphs to find a match.

Look at this example:
In recent years we have all been exposed to dire media reports concerning the impending demise of global coal and oil reserves, but the depletion of another key non-renewable resource continues without receiving much press at all. Helium – an inert, odourless, monatomic element known to lay people as the substance that makes balloons float and voices squeak when inhaled – could be gone from this planet within a generation.

Which of these pieces of information is in the paragraph?
A. a use for helium which makes an activity safer B. the possibility of creating an alternative to helium C. a term which describes the process of how helium is taken out of the ground D. a reason why users of helium do not make efforts to conserve it E. a contrast between helium’s chemical properties and how non-scientists think about it 

This type of question asks you to identify the main idea of a paragraph. It’s different from ‘matching information’ questions where you’re looking for specific information.

Look at this example:
[A] Sensible work practices are an important factor in the prevention of muscular fatigue; discomfort or pain in the arms, neck, hands or back; or eye strain which can be associated with constant or regular work at a keyboard and visual display unit (VDU).
 [B] It is vital that the employer pays attention to the physical setting such as workplace design, the office environment, and placement of monitors as well as the organisation of the work and individual work habits. Operators must be able to recognise work-related health problems and be given the opportunity to participate in the management of these. Operators should take note of and follow the preventive measures outlined below.

And here are some possible headings:
List of Headings i What makes a good seat? ii What are the common health problems? iii What is the best kind of lighting to have? iv What are the roles of management and workers? v Why does a VDU create eye fatigue? vi Where should I place the documents?

What answers match A and B and why?

In this type of question you have to fill in gaps using words from the text. Read the question carefully as there will be a word limit and you’ll lose marks for writing too many words. In this example, you must choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text.

Firstly, you should be given an improvement note. This will explain the problem, outline any necessary changes and offer some assistance in correcting the situation. Then, if your employer does not think your performance has improved, you may be given a written warning. The last step is called a final written warning which will inform you that you will be dismissed unless there are improvements in performance. If there is no improvement, your employer can begin the dismissal procedure.